Is this doing what you want,  seems you have to use an array to create the 
ref (just getting a handle on objects :)

class test_class
         var $dummy="nothing";

Function &assigning(&$returned,&$copy,&$object)
                 global $success;
         $returned[] = &$object;
         var_dump("In the function",$success,$returned[0],$copy,$object);
         return $object;

$object = assigning($returned,$copy,new test_class);
echo "<br><br>";
var_dump("Out the function",$success,$returned[0],$copy,$object);

At 03:06 PM 15/12/01, you wrote:
>I am trying to return a reference from an object created inside a
>function and at the same time have the object stored in a global
>It seems that when I try doing it by assigning the object reference to a
>function argument that is passed by reference, nothing is returned in
>that variable despite inside the function the argument variable seems to
>have the right value.
>Is this a PHP bug or this is not the right way to do it?
>Try the example below.
>Manuel Lemos
>class test_class
>         var $dummy="nothing";
>Function not_assigning(&$not_returned,&$copy)
>         global $object;
>         $object=new test_class;
>         $object->dummy="original";
>         $success=1;
>         $not_returned= &$object;
>         $copy=$object;
>         $copy->dummy="copy";
>         var_dump("In the function",$success,$not_returned,$copy,$object);
>         return $success;
>var_dump("Out the function",$success,$not_returned,$copy,$object);
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