Is your second character perhaps a 0?  That while loop is going to end as 
soon as it gets a character that evaluates to 0.  Write it like this 

while(!feof($this->m_file)) {
    $c = fgetc($this->m_file);
    if(is_numeric($c)) $str .= $c;


On Sun, 16 Dec 2001, Yoel Benitez Fonseca wrote:

> Hi!
> The following code fragment tries to read a sequence of digits from
> a file but it doesn't work, only the first character is read,
> Which is my error?.
>            $str = "";
>            while( ($c = fgetc($this->m_file)) && ereg("[0-9]", $c) ){
>                $str .= $c;
>            }
> Thank you in advance

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