I've noticed this, too. There are at least two things you can do to 
make them work...

print("Some text {$myhash['mykey']}<BR>\n")


print("Some text ".$myhash['mykey']."<BR>\n")


>Hey there,
>sortta simple question... Is it just me or can't you access hashes within
>This works...
>print("Some text $myarray[0]<BR>\n");
>This doesn't
>print("Some text $myhash['mykey']<BR>\n");
>i'm asking in relation to databases (not that that matters). If i fetch a row
>from the database I can use the $array[0], [1], etc in the print statements
>if i use mysql_fetch_array (oh sorry, u people call it associative arrays
>instead of hashes, my mistake) i can't access $array['fieldname'] from within
>a print statement but I CAN do
>$DBID = $resultarray['idfieldname'];
>and then use $DBID.....
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