Hello List,

I'm currently trying to setup a script which is processing incomming emails.
So I setup PHP as CGI and did configurate the email like

robot "|/path/to/the/script.php"

The little testscript I tried looks like that:

$fp = fopen("php://stdin","r"); 
while (!feof($fp)) 
{       $BUFFER = fgets($fp); 
   $INPUT .= $BUFFER; 
mail ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "Test", "$INPUT", "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"); 

The error which I get is

/path/to/the/script.php: cannot open ?: no such file
554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 2

Does anybody have some PHP code which would work to readout incomming emails
or knows that's wrong with my little script?

Thanks a lot.


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