... and what did you expect? :o)  Telnet uses charcters under ascii[32] to
sync and manage connection/session - try
http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc854.html  - description of TELNET protocol.


kancha wrote:

> The following code generated garbase output. what is wrong ??
> <?php
>   $sp = fsockopen("localhost", 23);
>   if(!$sp){
>     echo "error";
>     exit;
>   }
>   socket_set_blocking($sp, FALSE);
>   function getLine(){
>     global $sp;
>     $op = fgets($sp, 1024);
>     while(empty($op)){
>       $op = fgets($sp, 1024);
>     }
>     return $op;
>   }
>   echo getLine();
> ?>
> The output was as follows:
> [root@ispms html]# php telnet.php
> X-Powered-By: PHP/4.1.0
> Content-type: text/html
> ÿý▒ÿý ÿý#ÿý'[root@ispms html]#

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