> Does anyone have a quick example of how you would show X 
> numbers of database records at a time from a query?  (you 
> know, list 25 of 400 records with  next/previous navigation)...

I've used this code snippet and lots of projects and it
seems to work pretty well. Would appreciate advice on 
how to make it more efficient.



// set number of records to display per screen


// get a quick count of all available records 

$query = "select * from records"; 
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num_records = mysql_num_rows($row_count_result);

// construct the navigation string

$nav_string = "";
if (!$min) {
if (!($min=="1")) {
        $nav_string .= "<a href='index.php?min=$pmin'>Previous
$page_limit Records</a> -- ";
if ($x>$min+$page_limit) {
        $nav_string .= "<a href='index.php?min=$nmin'>Next $page_limit
Records</a> -- ";
        $max = $nmin;
} else {
        $max = $x;

// set the 'real' values for display and mysql
$rmax = $max-1;
$rmin = $min-1;

$nav_string .= "  Viewing records <b>$min</b> through <b>$max</b>";
$nav_string .= " -- There are $x records for this query<br>";

print $nav_string;

// now select the range of records you want

$query .="select * from records LIMIT $rmin,$page_limit";  
$result = mysql_query($query);

//display them or whatever


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