On Sunday 23 December 2001 03:11 pm, Robert Dyke wrote:
> <% If $varA == True Then %>
> Straight HTML in here that only displays if $varA == True
> <% Else %>
> Straight HTML in here that only displays if $varA != True
> <% End if %>

<?php if $varA == true) { ?>
<b>$varA was true.</b>
<?php } else { ?>
<b>$varA was false.</b>
<?php } ?>

I heavily dislike this coding style, however, and personally would use 
something like this:

print ('<b>$varA was ');
if ($varA == true) {
        print ('true');
} else {
        print ('false');
print ('.</b>'."\n");

Casey Allen Shobe

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