Dear all
I want to provide a login page to the user when they want to visit my
website, i got no idea what should i used.
First i have a login.php page which got two input box, one for username and
one for password.
Then i have a login table with mysql database which contain the valid user
and password.
And i have a index.htm which let the user browse my website.This index.htm
is consist of three frame, top, left and main. Each frame contain different

Task :
User will login first through login.php, then the username and password
provided by user will need to match the table called login.
Once the username and password is correct, the username will be hold in a
place for the further use inside the website(eg: when user want to see the
leave history records, it will only show it's own record by select the query
using the username section).
then user will direct into index.htm.

Could someone pls give me a idea how i should make this system work??


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