Hello, my subject is a bit confusing, I bet. I need a bit more speace to 
explain this situation.

Ok, basically I only configured php with apxs

However, I noticed the mysql was supported (It said so on php info page)

How is that possible?

I never tested a mysql script yet on this server (linux) yet, I just had to 
ask if this is normal and how this is possible. Or if I am misinterpreting 
the output. The file actually prints:


MySQL Support   enabled 
Active Persistent Links 0   
Active Links    0   
Client API version  3.23.32 

Does this mean it really supports it? or am I just not understanding 

It even says zend server is in use, yet I never installed zend.
The version of php is 4.0.5 on apache webserver on linux

How is this possible? Just curious


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