On Friday 11 January 2002 20:02, Neil Freeman wrote:
> Hi there guys,
> Who's awake today then? :) 

Someone isn't :)

> Here's a snippet of the code. Any ideas guys???
> ...........
> //store children page_IDs into array for each parent
> $str_array = "menu_array_" . $current_parent_page_ID;
> $$str_array = array();
> for ($child_cnt = 0; $child_cnt < $number_children; $child_cnt++)
> {
>     $db_help_structure->next_record();
>     //get page_ID value
>     $page_ID = $db_help_structure->return_single_result('page_ID');
>     //$page_ID is now set
>     echo "storing in $str_array position $child_cnt:" . $page_ID .
> "<br>";
>     $$str_array[$child_cnt] = $page_ID;
>     echo "size:" . sizeof($$str_array) . "<br>";
> }

You need to resolve the ambiguity in your code by placing braces around the 
variable part of the variable variable (!)

 ie: ${$str_array}[$child_cnt] = $page_ID;

See manual for details. See the annotated online manual for more examples.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk

Go out and tell a lie that will make the whole family proud of you.
                -- Cadmus, to Pentheus, in "The Bacchae" by Euripides

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