Ben Clumeck wrote:

> When using MySQL to Authenticate users for a specific directory (i.e.
> how would it know to go to that directory ("/user").

 > How would it know to not let someone access a file directory in that
 > directory (i.e.

this question is too general - you should describe your idea of what you 
want to do and where your problem is a bit more.

In general is is you who would be responsible to write the code that 
checks if a user is authenticated and should have access to something, 
and you have to include that piece of code at the beginning of each page 
you want to limit access for.

>If I am using MySQL to
> query a row in a table can how would it know to only let a specific user(s)
> have access to the information?

this either a mysql related question - as mysql deals with the problem 
that a user has to be authenticated within mysql_connect or 
mysql_pconnect to access some information - or it is a matter of your 
application design - if you want only special users to do something or 
to get some views of the data you queried from mysql you can go and
create a user table with users and poasswords, and a permission table 
where users are designated to specific tasks, then, before you show some 
data in your script, you ask the user for a password, look him up in 
your users table, and only let him view the things he is allowed to.

but, again, this is a very general answer on a general question, which 
might be the reason why nobody answered until now, to get some real 
useful answers or solutions to your problem you have to be more specific.

maybe you want to go through some basic tutorials first before doing 
such comlicated things and learn the basics of php and mysql before 
playing around with big applications, permissions for users, etc...

(sorry, got no URL for something lkike this at hand now, use google)

hope this still helps


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