Ben Sinclair wrote:

> That would work for me, but I have to deal with many files that I have already
> encrypted and no longer know the correct sizes of. My search and replace for
> the padding characters doesn't work because the files sometimes contain those
> padding characters.
> --
> Ben Sinclair

Well, if your original files ended in NUL bytes you are out of luck, but 
I don't think that is likely. You should be able to simply decrypt and 
strip trailing NUL bytes to get the original files back. See example below.

-- Joe

print ("<HTML><BODY>\n");

$plaintext = "123456789";
echo "Plaintext = " . $plaintext . "<BR>";
echo "Plaintext length = " . strlen($plaintext) . "<BR>";

  * open the desired module
$td = mcrypt_module_open (MCRYPT_TRIPLEDES, "", MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, "");

  * Just for illustration, a real iv should be random of course
$iv = "99999999";

  * and I hope a better password is actually used
$key = "mysecret";

  * initialize the module structures
$ret = mcrypt_generic_init($td, $key, $iv);

  * finally encrypt it
$ciphertext = mcrypt_generic($td, $plaintext);

echo "Ciphertext length = " . strlen($ciphertext) . "<BR>";

  * get ready for decryption
$ret = mcrypt_generic_init($td, $key, $iv);

  * now decrypt
$newplaintext = mdecrypt_generic($td, $ciphertext);

$ptr = strlen($newplaintext);
echo "New plaintext length = " . $ptr . "<BR>";

while (substr($newplaintext, $ptr - 1, 1) == chr(0))

$origplaintext = substr($newplaintext, 0, $ptr);
echo "Origplaintext = " . $origplaintext . "<BR>";
echo "Origplaintext length = " . strlen($origplaintext) . "<BR>";

print ("</BODY></HTML>\n");

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