$where_conditions = array();
if( !empty( $lastname ) ){
        $where_conditions[] = "lastname like '%${lastname}%'";
if( !empty( $firstname ) ){
        $where_conditions[] = "firstname like '%${firstname}%'";
if( !empty( $age ) ){
        $where_conditions[] = "age = ${age}";
if( !empty( $weight ) ){
        $where_conditions[] = "weight = ${lastname}";

$where_clause = "";
$num_conditions = sizeof( $where_conditions );
if( $num_conditions > 0 ){
        $where_clause = "where ";
        for( $c = 0; $c < $num_conditions; $c++ ){
                $where_clause .= $where_conditions[$c];
                if( $c < $num_conditions - 1 ){
                        $where_clause .= " && ";

$query = "select * from table ${where_clause}";


that should be flexible enough for you to add new
fields to check, by only having to add "column = $value"
values to the $where_conditions array.

        ~Chris                           /"\
                                         \ /     September 11, 2001
                                          X      We Are All New Yorkers
                                         / \     rm -rf /bin/laden

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Phil Schwarzmann wrote:

> Yo, thanks for all your help.  But it isn't exactly what im looking for.
> Let's say you had a database with the following four columns...
> -LastName
> -FirstName
> -Age
> -Weight
> ...and you wanted a page that would allow a user to search for one or
> more of these fields within the database.
> It would be easy if the user could only pick just one of the fields.
> But let's say that want to search only lastname and firstname, or maybe
> all four, or maybe just one.  How could this be done?
> If I have code that looks like this...
> $query = "select * from table where lastname='$lastname' and
> firstname='$firstname' and age='$age' and weight='$weight'";
> $result  = mysql_query ($query);
> $num_results = mysql_num_rows($result);
> ...the $num_results is ALWAYS zero unless I typed in all four fields.
> Any help?
> Thanks!

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