On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Hawk wrote:

> I've asked this several times but it doesn't seem like anyone understands my
> problem, the passwords are encrypted in the database, but I don't know how
> to match an unencrypted password from the login form with the database?
> is it possible to encrypt the password I sent from the form in php or does
> that have to be done in mysql?
> in any case, how do I do it?
> If you don't have anything bright to say, don't, in some of the replys I've
> had earlier it sounds like you think I'm an idiot...
> And even if I am, I don't want to be refered as one ;)

How you had encrypted your password? with MySQL 'password' function? if
yes, try: 

select user, ... from table 
                 where user = "$user" and passwd = password("$passwd")

I think you get the idea :)

                                          hope this helps,


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