Good practice is to never assign to predefined variables, PERIOD.  If you
need to alter the data, copy what you need to a new variable and operate on
that one.  Not only does it circumvent these problems, it also maintains the
original data throughout the entire script in case you find you need it

Mike Frazer

"Rasmus Lerdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I think the real answer here is to treat these as read-only arrays.  ie.
> never use them on the left side of the '=' and you will never run into
> problems.  Or if you do, be consistent and use the same array all the
> time.  You are writing your code with the assumption that these two arrays
> are the same.  Where does this assumption come from?  Hopefully not the
> documentation.
> -Rasmus
> On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Robert Ames wrote:
> > This is the second time in as many weeks that we have been bitten by the
> > fact that $_POST != $HTTP_POST_VARS;  Attached is a real-world example
> > why it is currently bad practice to use the _POST variables.
> >
> > I cannot recommend that anyone use $_POST[..] in their scripts.
> > $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS'][..] is a much safer, portable, and sane
> > solution, unless $HTTP_POST_VARS is marked as depracated, scheduled to
> > phased out.
> >
> > For those new to the problem, $_GET and $HTTP_GET_VARS are two totally
> > separate arrays which happen to hold the same data at the beginning of
> > script execution.  After script execution has begun, it is VERY
> > to modify the data contained in either of these arrays, because changes
> > in one are not propagated to the other.
> >
> > The simplest example script is:
> > <?php
> >   echo $_GET['test'];
> >   echo $HTTP_GET_VARS['test'];
> >   $_GET['test'] = 'changed.';
> >   echo $_GET['test'];
> >   echo $HTTP_GET_VARS['test'];
> > ?>
> >
> > ...The second set of echo statements will print two different values.
> >
> > The situation is worse when you are trying to integrate the usage of
> > $_GET/$_POST into scripts which already make use of $HTTP_*_VARS.
> >
> > The following script is my real-world example of a difficult to trace
> > logic bug caused by $_POST != $HTTP_POST_VARS.
> >
> > The situation is that we have a form with a radio button toggling
> > two input elements as follows.
> >
> >   PRICING:
> >   --------
> >   ( ) Fixed: $[______]
> >   ( ) Negot: $[______]
> >
> > The radio field is named "option", and the two input fields are named
> > "asking1" and "asking2" respectively.  On the back end, we store whether
> > the user selected "fixed" or "negotiable", and then 'push' asking1 or
> > asking2 into a variable called "asking_price".  We don't care which
> > they type the price into, but asking1 and asking2 must be named
> > differently so that the browser will not stomp asking prices over each
> > other when posting the information.
> >
> > Our function "gpc" stands for "Get/Post/Cookie", and is very similar to
> > the new $_REQUEST array, except that it returns FALSE if nothing was
> > posted, preventing us from having to do:
> >   if( isset($_REQUEST['blah']) )
> >     $result = $_REQUEST['blah'];
> >
> > (because we run with E_NOTICE & E_ALL, and have register_globals turned
> > ...instead, we can say:
> >    $result = gpc('blah');
> >
> > ...anyway, we've been using PHP for a while now (since well before 4.1
> > ;^), and already have many many scripts and libraries which use the
> > HTTP_*_VARS method of accessing things.  It is unsafe to use $_GET and
> > $HTTP_GET_VARS in the same environment.
> >
> > My proposed solutions again:
> >
> > 1) Temporary workaround: $HTTP_GET_VARS =& $_GET;
> > 2) Throw an E_NOTICE if $HTTP_*_VARS or $_* is used as the left-hand
> > of an assignment. (ie: officially discourage changing $HTTP_*_VARS)
> > 3) Propagate any changes made to $_GET over to $HTTP_GET_VARS and
> > $_REQUEST.
> >
> > #1 works for the most part, but changes is $_GET are not propagated into
> > $_REQUEST, which opens the door for more data inconsistency issues.
> >
> > #2 could possibly be implemented by making $HTTP_*_VARS and $_* into
> > constants... forcing them to be read only.
> >
> > #3 sounds like it would be annoying to implement, but would make it
> > easiest for end-users to use PHP, and have some nice things happen
> > 'magically'.
> >
> > --Robert
> > (crossposting to php.general because I'm sure other people might be
> > running into this problem as well).
> >
> >
> > <?PHP
> >
> > ## example script
> >
> > /* return the user-submitted value of $varname, or false if not found */
> > function gpc( $varname )
> > {
> >   if( isset( $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS'][$varname] ) )
> >     return( $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS'][$varname];
> >   elseif( isset( $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS'][$varname] ) )
> >     return( $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS'][$varname];
> >   elseif( isset( $GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS'][$varname] ) )
> >     return( $GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS'][$varname];
> >   else
> >     return( FALSE );
> > }
> >
> > $option = gpc('price_option');
> > if ( $option == 'fixed' )
> > {
> >   $_POST['asking_price'] = isset($_POST['asking1']) ? $_POST['asking1']
: '';
> > }
> > elseif ( $option == 'negotiable' )
> > {
> >   $_POST['asking_price'] = isset($_POST['asking2']) ? $_POST['asking2']
: '';
> > }
> >
> > $price = gpc('asking_price');
> >
> > echo "User chose $option, with a price of $price";
> > echo "(but we really only changed ${_POST['asking_price']}, so gpc()
> > doesn't know that!)"
> >
> > ?>
> >
> > --
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