I just learned about a cool function -- "mysql_insert_id()".

You can read about it in the manual, but it sounds like it could be used 
to get the AUTO_INCREMENT number from the database and you can then 
append that number to your uploaded image file name.


On Thursday, January 24, 2002, at 03:06  PM, will hives wrote:

> I did that with this script and it works fine, but the reason I am 
> doing it
> is so I can then give the image which is uploaded the story ID. But for 
> some
> reason I can't get it to work... here is the auto_increment script any 
> ideas
> of how to add the ID to the image?????? I would be very great ful if you
> could amend the script (as I am a newb I can work things out once they 
> have
> been done if that makes any sense)

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