
> $date1 = "10/12/2002";
> $date1 = date("D M j Y", strtotime($date1));
> $date2 = date("D M j Y");
> $date3 = date("D M j Y", $date1);
> print $date1."<br>";
> print $date2."<br>";
> print $date3."<br>";    
> The code above gives me the following output:
> Fri Oct 11 2002
> Mon Feb 4 2002
> Wed Dec 31 1969
> Is the strtotime() function causing this problem?

=yes, in a way. Please RTFM:
strtotime -- Parse about any English textual datetime description into a UNIX timestamp
The function expects to be given a string containing an English date
     format and will try to parse that format into a UNIX timestamp relative
     to the timestamp given in now, or the current time
     if none is supplied. Upon failure, -1 is returned.

=The -1 explains $date3, it also enables you to back-track to an issue with $date1. 

=If you are in America, what does 10/12 mean?
=If you are in Europe, what does 10/12 mean?
=Thus, how can strtotime() attempt to determine the meaning of the textual date? 
(I'll send you the full lecture if you have no idea what I'm talking about)


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