Oh, and BTW, after sending the file, I will be redirecting the user to a
different page...

Alan McFarlane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> The problem:
> How to I send a file to the user? Sounds simple but, assume I have a
> report' option from my main web page. When the user clicks on it, they are
> taken to the file 'generate_report.php' (sample included).
> Now, this code should generate the report, compress it if required and
> it ot the user - i.e. a dialog box opens asking the user to open/save/run
> the incoming file.
> Question is, how? - I've toyed with Content-Disposition but I'm not sure
> any reference materials for this. (Perhaps someone knows the RFC)
> The code:
> <?php
> /* file: generate_report.php */
> // build the report
> $report = "<xml...>"; /* basically an xml document
> // compress if possible
> if (extension_loaded("zlib") && (strlen($report) > 1024))
> {
>     $report = gzcompress($report);
>     $compress = true;
> }
> else
> {
>     $compressed = false;
> }
> $length = strlen($report);    // I presume this can handle binary data
> //    header(" something ");
> ?>

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