Hi Peter, are you limited to using arrays? If not, try  msql_fetch_row()
since you are only looking for the one record, ie: the corresponding
username and password record for the username and password that was passed.

Hope this helps, Joe :)


     mysql_connect($host_name, $user_name, $passwd)
                   or die("Unable to connect to $hostname.");
     // select database on MySQL server
     mysql_select_db($db_name) or die("Unable to select databse.");

     // formulate the query
     $sql_statement = "SELECT user_id, password FROM $table_name WHERE
                    user_id  = '$user_id' AND
           password = '$password'";

     $result = mysql_query($sql_statement) or die("Unable to execute

//if there is a corresponding record
if(mysql_fetch_row($result)) {

$usid = mysql_result($result,0);
 $pswd = mysql_result($result, 1);

//create session variables

$password = $pswd;

$username = $usid;

//echo a friendly message or use header() function to redirect the user to
the appropriate page
echo "Succesful login!";
//the user is not a registered member so redirect them to a sign up page or
another page to try and login again
header("Location: signup.php");



Peter Ruan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
>   I am running into a problem that I can't figure out the solution to.  So
> I'm hoping that someone can give me some pointers here.  I have two files
> (see below):  verify.php and edit.php
>   The job of verify.php is basically to verify that a user is in the
> database before allowing him/her to edit the information.  The information
> retrieved is saved to arrary varaiable $row.  I do a session_register() to
> $row and that information should be passed to subsequent pages that has
> session_start(), right?  However, when I tried to print out the
> again in edit.php, it doesn't seem to register it in.  At first I thought
> was the array problem, so I put the array variable $dummy to test it out
> that can be reigstered and retrieved correctly.  What am I doing wrong???
> Also, how do I redirect to a page automatically once the user is verfied
> (right now I have to ask the user to click on a link to redirect).
> Thanks in advance,
> Peter
> /******* verify.php ********/
> <?php
>    session_start();
>     include("config.php");
>     mysql_connect($host_name, $user_name, $passwd)
>                   or die("Unable to connect to $hostname.");
>     // select database on MySQL server
>     mysql_select_db($db_name) or die("Unable to select databse.");
>     // formulate the query
>     $sql_statement = "SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE
>                    user_id  = '$user_id' AND
>           password = '$password'";
>     $result = mysql_query($sql_statement) or die("Unable to execute
> query.");
>     $num_of_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
>     /* XXX: test array variable...take out later */
>     $dummy = array("one", "two", "three");
>     session_register(dummy);
>     if (!$num_of_rows) {
>         echo "<h3>User ID and password missmatch, try again!</h3>";
>     } else {
>         while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
>            session_register(row);  // register information retrieved from
>         }
>         printf("Successfully Logged In! <a href=\"edit.php\">Click
> Here</a>");
>         echo "<br>";
>     }
> ?>
> /************* edit.php *****************/
> <?php
>     session_start();
>     foreach ($dummy as $val) {
>         echo $val . "<br>";
>     }
>     foreach ($row as $data) {
>         echo $data . "<br>";
>     }
> ?>

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