Cute little applet.
For your php project, I still think a map of all the known breweries would
be nice.  Everyone could put in their favorite.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Arik Ashepa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 10:19 AM
Subject: [PHP] free usefull piece of code for everybody!

> a random image maker based on the gd library (PNG)...


> <?php
> function setPenColors($theimage) {
> global $redpen, $greenpen, $bluepen, $blackpen, $whitepen, $yellowpen,
$aquapen, $fuschiapen, $greypen, $silverpen, $tealpen, $limepen, $navypen,
$purplepen, $maroonpen, $olivepen;
> $redpen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 255, 0, 0);
> $greenpen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 0, 153, 0);
> $bluepen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 0, 0, 255);
> $blackpen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 0, 0, 0);
> $whitepen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 255, 255, 255);
> $yellowpen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 255, 255, 0);
> $aquapen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 0, 255, 255);
> $fuschiapen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 255, 0, 255);
> $greypen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 153, 153, 153);
> $silverpen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 204, 204, 204);
> $tealpen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 0, 153, 153);
> $limepen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 0, 255, 0);
> $navypen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 0, 0, 153);
> $purplepen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 153, 0, 153);
> $maroonpen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 153, 0, 0);
> $olivepen = ImageColorAllocate($theimage, 153, 153, 0);
> }
> $servername = getenv("SERVER_NAME");
> // set the content type
> header("Content-type:  image/png");
> $imageWidth = 118;
> $imageHeight = 136;
> // create image
> $image = imageCreate($imageWidth, $imageHeight);
> $bgcolor = ImageColorAllocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
> $fgcolor = ImageColorAllocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
> setPenColors($image);
> srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
> $rndnum = rand(10,60);
> $oldx = rand(1,$imageWidth-2);
> $oldy = rand(1,$imageHeight-18);
> $pencolor = array
> $rndpen = rand(0,15);
> ImageRectangle($image, 0, 0, $imageWidth-1, $imageHeight-17,
> for ($i=0; $i<$rndnum; $i++) {
> $rndpen = rand(0,15);
> $newx = rand(1,$imageWidth-2);
> $newy = rand(1,$imageHeight-18);
> ImageLine ($image, $oldx, $oldy, $newx, $newy, $pencolor[$rndpen]);
> $oldx = $newx;
> $oldy = $newy;
> }
> ImageString($image,2, 4, $imageHeight-14,  "Random Image Maker",
> // create an interlaced image for better loading in the browser
> imageInterlace($image, 1);
> // mark background color as being transparent
> imageColorTransparent($image, $bgcolor);
> // now send the picture to the client (this outputs all image data
> imagePNG($image);
> ?>


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