On Tue, 2002-02-12 at 12:36, SpyProductions Support Team wrote:
> Hmmmm....here's another humdinger of a question:
> I am with a hosting company that doesn't want to parse PHP in HTML files
> because they are afraid it will slow down their server(s) too much.
> So.  I really like them and don't want to move the site if I don't really
> *have* to.  There are some neat things I would love to be doing in the HTML
> on it, though.
> I was thinking; could I make some sort of little javacript calling on, or
> including the PHP file I want to run on the HTML page?
> Thanks,
> -Mike

Can't think of a way to do it in JS off the top of my head--JS is 
client-side, which PHP is server-side. You could try putting this
in your .htaccess file and see what happens:

<IfModule mod_php4.c>
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .inc .php

...which, if the PHP module is available in the server, will tell
the server to run these file types through PHP. Alternately, you could
compile PHP as a CGI and just install it in your home dir and use that.

Hope this helps,


 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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