Thanks Rick

But the SQL needs to work with MS Access AND MySQL through the PEAR DB
Abstraction layer... I'm not saying it wont work with Access because I don't
know yet...maybe it will, but there looks to be functions in there that may
be MySQL specific.

If I can do something like this it would be great...what I would like is to
get the earliest month & year from the DB table then fill in the gaps
between then and now, month by month to populate the SELECT BOX Options.


Simon H

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Emery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 15 February 2002 16:06
> To: 'Simon H'; PHP General
> Subject: RE: [PHP] Dynamic Date Select and SQL
> Sensitivity: Confidential
> If I understand your question, you are looking for the MYSQL sql
> statement.
> Based upon your info, I've found something like this example:
> mysql> describe a;
> +--------+----------+------+-----+---------+-------+
> | Field  | Type     | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
> +--------+----------+------+-----+---------+-------+
> | mydate | datetime | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
> +--------+----------+------+-----+---------+-------+
> 1 row in set (0.04 sec)
> mysql> select * from a;
> +---------------------+
> | mydate              |
> +---------------------+
> | 2002-01-01 12:00:00 |
> | 2002-02-01 12:00:00 |
> | 2002-03-01 12:00:00 |
> | 2002-04-01 12:00:00 |
> | 2002-05-01 12:00:00 |
> | 2002-06-01 12:00:00 |
> | 2002-07-01 12:00:00 |
> +---------------------+
> 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> select year(mydate)*100+month(mydate) as sel,mydate,
> concat(left(monthname(mydate),3),' ',year(mydate)) as monyr
> from a where mydate < now()+00000300000000;
> +--------+---------------------+----------+
> | sel    | mydate              | monyr    |
> +--------+---------------------+----------+
> | 200201 | 2002-01-01 12:00:00 | Jan 2002 |
> | 200202 | 2002-02-01 12:00:00 | Feb 2002 |
> | 200203 | 2002-03-01 12:00:00 | Mar 2002 |
> | 200204 | 2002-04-01 12:00:00 | Apr 2002 |
> | 200205 | 2002-05-01 12:00:00 | May 2002 |
> +--------+---------------------+----------+
> 5 rows in set (0.05 sec)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon H [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 6:32 AM
> To: PHP General
> Subject: [PHP] Dynamic Date Select and SQL
> Sensitivity: Confidential
> I have a problem I hope someone can help me with...
> Firstly I have an SQL Query with a "WHERE dateMonthAndYear = $month1"
> Already this shows part of what I'm trying to do.  The date
> format in the DB
> Now I need to dynamically generate a pulldown of months...
> The range of months in the pulldown are historical, so the last
> month would
> be the current month (which should also be the SELECTED option).
> The first
> month would be a fixed date, say Jan 2002.
> The value of the options would probably be like so:
> <select name="month1">        // <<---  Jump Menu
>       <option value="$PHP_SELF?month1=$current_month" SELECTED>Feb
> 2002</option>
> // <<---  Current Month (SELECTED)
>       <option
> value="$PHP_SELF?month1=$first_month">$first_month_text</option>
> // <<---  First Month in range
>       <option
> value="$PHP_SELF?month1=$subsequent_month1">$subsequent_month1_tex
> t</option>
> // <<---  Other months in range
>       .....
> // <<---  Other months in range
>       <option value="$PHP_SELF?month1=$current_month" SELECTED>Feb
> 2002</option>
> // <<---  Current Month
>       <option value="$PHP_SELF?month1=">ALL</option>
> // <<---  Empty value
> will show all
> </select>
> I guess the question is, how do I dynamically create the select, based on
> the above spec (or make $first_month, the first month available in the SQL
> Query i.e. get the earliest month from the Query), then do the
> select using
> ONLY the month and year information.
> I can do most of the bits in between, just do know how to do the dynamic
> select for this particular application, or get the date into the SQL where
> ONLY the month and year are relevant.
> I am using Pear DB and need this to work on MySQL and Access
> through Pear so
> the SQL needs to be quite standard.  The above code is not syntaxed
> properly....just meant for readability.
> Any ideas are much appreciated as I don't even know where to
> start with this
> one.
> Thanks
> Simon H
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