At 05:54 PM 2/16/2002 +0800, Jason Wong wrote:
>On Saturday 16 February 2002 17:48, Dean Householder wrote:
> > Is anyone familiar with how exactly to use the TOP command in MSSQL?  Is it
> > in it's own SQL query or built into the select query?  I'm looking at the
> > help and it doesn't seem very helpful...
>It's been a while since I last used MS dbs. But I think it goes something
>SELECT * FROM table TOP 5;

Actually it's

SELECT TOP 5 * FROM table;

I've had some recent experience attempting to find an equivalent to the 
LIMIT clause in MSSQL.  No one method is really ideal, but here are a 
couple of ways:

1. Use subselects

One method is to use a mixture of the TOP clause along with subselects to 
get a certain record range out.  Let's say that you have a result set and 
you want to get rows 30-39 (assuming the first row is zero).  This is one way:

select * from
(select top 10 * from
(select top 40 * from ... where ... order by ... desc)
as ax order by ...)
as aa order by ... desc

This is pretty odd, but basically what it does is select the top 40 records 
in reverse order, then from that result set it selects the top 10 (getting 
records 39-30).  The outermost select statement reverses the order again so 
you get records 30-39.

The problem with this method is that it gets slower the higher up in the 
result set you go.  It always has to select as least as many rows as the 
highest row number you want to get.  If your full result set contains 1000 
rows, and you need rows 550-560, your statement still has to select at 
least 560 rows to work.

2. Used a temp table inside a stored procedure

This is probably the better solution.  Basically what you do is create a 
stored procedure that selects all of your results into a temp table with an 
row counter column (field type IDENTITY), and then select the results out 
of the temp table where (Row >= @Start) AND (Row <= @End).  There is a nice 
article that explains this method in detail here:

This isn't really related to paging, just more of a general tip:  I have 
found Sybase's Transact-SQL User's Guide on their website to be very 
helpful in working with MSSQL.  For the most part the syntax is exactly the 
same, and the site is easy to navigate IMHO.  Call me crazy, but I've found 
it generally more helpful than the Books On-Line. YMMV:

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