On Mon, 2002-02-18 at 12:12, Richard Fox wrote:
> That's right, the difference between C++ "pure virtual" and "virtual" is
> that a virtual function has an implementation but pure virtual only defines
> an interface.
> But can we get back to my original PHP question: Can I do something like the
> following in php:

What happened when you tried it? I got 'BaseDerived1Derived2' on 4.2.0. 


> class Base {
>    function Foo() { echo "Base"; }
>    }
> class Derived1 extends Base {
>    function Foo() { echo "Derived1"; }
>    }
> class Derived2 extends Base {
>    function Foo() { echo "Derived2"; }
>    }
> function Example ( $objvar ) {
>    $objvar->Foo();
>    }
> ...
> $obj1 = new Base();
> $obj2 = new Derived1();
> $obj3 = new Derived2();
> Example($obj1);
> Example($obj2);
> Example($obj3);
> I think what I am asking is, is there any concept of a virtual function in
> PHP, with a virtual function table?
> Rich
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Towell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 5:31 PM
> Subject: RE: [PHP] Polymorphism question
> A bit late in replying - but what the hay (or is that "hey"??) oh well...
> >From my understanding of virtual functions (and it's been at least 3 to 4
> years since I've done C++) is that a "virtual function" has basic
> functionality and a "pure virtual function" has no, and can't have, and
> code.
> Please correct me if I'm wrong
> Martin
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