Here is a good explanation, in laymen's terms, of intellectual property 

        'An Intellectual Property Law Primer for Multimedia and Web Developers'

Steven J. Walker
Walker Effects

On Tuesday, February 19, 2002, at 05:40  AM, michael kimsal wrote:

> Dani wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I have seen lots of webiste with a sign "[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2002" 
>> etc...
>> if I would like to do that, do I have to register myself to a certain
>> company or.. I just put it on my website?
> Depending on what country you are in, it would probably help to 
> register the information (or website code or whatever) with the 
> appropriate copyright agency in your government.  It will probably 
> never be used, but if and when you needed to bring charges against 
> someone for violating that copyright, it's registered.  If it's 
> unregistered, it's possibly harder to prove violation.  By registering 
> with your government , it essentially creates a verified copy with a 
> time/date as to when it was registered (not when it was created 
> necessarily, but when the government agency registered it).
> Hopefully you'll never need to use it, and most people don't bother 
> with registration.  If you think your content is valuable enough, then 
> by all means register with your government's copyright agency.  It may 
> save you a bundle in the future.
> In either case, you can still display the copyright mark immediately.
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