Make sure you include at least one internal apache module as shared (i used 
mod_rewrite) otherwise apache doesn't include enough linker information in 
apxs. you will probably have to do make distclean and start again with 

At 09:18 PM 2/19/02, Erwin S R U B A R wrote:
>Hi  php4-Installers,
>what reason might cause the subject above ?
>We have installed (and working well):
>o gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release)
>o perl, version 5.003 with EMBED  built under aix
>o OpenSSL 0.9.6
>o mm-1.1.3
>o Apache-1.3.23 configured with:
>        time CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O ./configure \
>        --prefix=/pd/apache_1.3.23 \
>        --enable-module=rewrite \
>        --enable-shared=rewrite
>    (with compiled-in modules mod_so.c - and mod_ssl.c ...)
>o mod_ssl-2.8.6-1.3.23 configured with:
>        CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O ./configure \
>        --prefix=/pd/apache_1.3.23 \
>        --with-apache=/pd/apache_1.3.23 \
>        --with-ssl=/pd/openssl \
>        --with-mm=/pd/mm-1.1.3 \
>        --with-crt=/pd/openssl/certs/mail_cert.pem \
>        --enable-module=most \
>        --enable-module=ssl \
>        --enable-shared=rewrite
>o gmake -  GNU Make version 3.79.1 built for powerpc-ibm-aix4.3.3.0
>o php-4.1.1 configured as dynamic module (following "verbose installation"):
>        time CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O ./configure \
>        --prefix=/pd/php-4.1.1 \
>        --with-apxs=/pd/apache_1.3.23/bin/apxs
>    ... done well:
>|                        *** WARNING ***
>| You chose to compile PHP with the built-in MySQL support.  If you
>| are compiling a server module, and intend to use other server
>| modules that also use MySQL (e.g, mod_auth_mysql, PHP 3.0,
>| mod_perl) you must NOT rely on PHP's built-in MySQL support, and
>| instead build it with your local MySQL support files, by adding
>| --with-mysql=/path/to/mysql to your configure line.
>| License:
>| This software is subject to the PHP License, available in this
>| distribution in the file LICENSE.  By continuing this installation
>| process, you are bound by the terms of this license agreement.
>| If you do not agree with the terms of this license, you must abort
>| the installation process at this point.
>Thank you for using PHP.
>real    29m48.27s (!)
>user    1m6.67s
>sys     4m10.69s
>o gmake ... ok
>o gmake install ... ending with:
>Making install in .
>gmake[1]: Entering directory `/appl/pd/php-4.1.1'
>/pd/apache_1.3.23/bin/apxs -i -a -n php4 libs/libphp4.so
>[activating module `php4' in /pd/apache_1.3.23/conf/httpd.conf]
>cp libs/libphp4.so /pd/apache_1.3.23/libexec/libphp4.so
>cp: libs/libphp4.so: No such file or directory
>apxs:Break: Command failed with rc=1
>gmake[1]: *** [install-sapi] Error 1
>gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/appl/pd/php-4.1.1'
>gmake: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
>  So, no libphp4.so on the system.
>  Considering we have the products (in most cases the up-to-date
>  versions)
>  it must be some obvious problem - but I have no idea.
>  Thanks for help in advance,
>                                          Erwin
>Dipl.-Ing. Erwin SRUBAR
>Zentraler Informatikdienst, Bereich ,,Zentrale Services``
>Technische Universitaet Wien, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10
>Turm C (Roter Trakt), 2.Stk., Zi.DC02O08
>A-1040 Wien, OeSTERREICH
>Tel: (++43 1) 588-01/42084, Fax: (++43 1) 588-01/42099
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