That's not a lot of help - its a new installation, as far as I know
everything has been done to default settings.
What can I do to check the server setup

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Towell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 20 February 2002 10:59
To: 'WG4- Cook, Janet'; PHP List
Subject: RE: [PHP] Help for passing variable to all pages

that makes me think that your page isn't being executed through php. why
this is happening, i don't know - maybe a misconfigured web server


-----Original Message----- 
From: WG4- Cook, Janet [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 10:50 AM 
To: Martin Towell; PHP List 
Subject: RE: [PHP] Help for passing variable to all pages 

Ok - I changed it to 
<a href="welcome.php3?dbcnxid=<?php echo("$dbcnx"); ?>">test link</a> 
First login page now has 
>test link    then the login stuff, 
and I still don't get the value through 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Martin Towell [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] 
Sent: Wednesday, 20 February 2002 10:38 
To: 'WG4- Cook, Janet'; PHP List 
Subject: RE: [PHP] Help for passing variable to all pages 

looks like there's a problem with this line: 
        <a href="welcome.php3?dbcnxid=<?php echo("$dbcnx"); ?>test link</a> 
try using this line instead: 
        <a href="welcome.php3?dbcnxid=<?php echo("$dbcnx"); ?>">test 
looks like you were missing the end quotes and closing "bracket" of the 
anchor tag 

See how that goes 

-----Original Message----- 
From: WG4- Cook, Janet [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
< mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > ] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 10:30 AM 
To: PHP List 
Subject: [PHP] Help for passing variable to all pages 

Hi All, 

I am new to PHP and learning as I go by reading many of the tutorials 
around.  I have however come up against a problem that I can't seem to solve

of find any other references to. 

I need to make some information available to every page and one of the 
series of articles by Kevin Yank which talks about PHP and MySql seemed to 
suggest how to do exactly what I wanted but I can't get it to work. His 
suggestion was to do something like 

<A HREF="newpage.php?name=<?php echo($myvar); ?>" A link </A> 

I think my problem is in the ...A LINK.. bit - what exactly should go here? 

I tried some code to see if it worked and this is what I did: 

in login.html 

<title>DMS Login</title> 
echo ( "<P> Connection established on $dbcnx</P>"); 
if (!$dbcnx) { 
        echo( "<P>Unable to connect to MySql Server at this time.</P>"}; 
if (! @mysql_connect_db("DMS", $dbcnx) ) { 
        echo( "<P>Unable to connect to DMS database at this time.</P>"}; 

<a href="welcome.php3?dbcnxid=<?php echo("$dbcnx"); ?>test link</a> 

<FORM ACTION="welcome.php3" METHOD=GET> 
First name: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="firstname"><BR> 
Last Name: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="lastname"> 

In the welcome.php3 file I have 
<TITLE>Today's Date</TITLE> 
<P>Today's date (according to this server) 
        echo( date("l, F dS Y.") ); 
        echo ("Welcome to our web site $firstname $lastname $dbcnxid "); 
        echo ("  $dbcnxid"); 
        echo (" $QUERY_STRING"); 

What I get is on login page - the text    test link    in blue (i.e. a 
link?) and the login prompts. 
On the welcome page I get the firstname and lastname ok, but the other 
parameter is not in the $QUERY_STRING 

Does anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong? 

Maybe there is a better way to have some information, that will be retrieved

from the DB available to all pages in the session.  We are not actually 
going to have all the users with logins to the DB - but have our own 
internal table of users, password and rights information, thus the userid 
form this table needs to be available to all pages. 

Many Thanks in advance for your help 

Janet Cook 
Software Engineer 
NEC Australia Pty Ltd 
Ph +613 9264 3813 

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