You need to sit through my PDF/PHP talk where I go through all this.  See specifically slides 7 and 8

In particular see the example:

the code for which is on slide #8.  This example shows how to use each of
the built-in fonts, a couple of AFM (Adobe Font Metric) fonts and also a
couple of TTF fonts all on the same PDF page.


On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Richard Lynch wrote:

> Please Cc: me on replies...
> I recently installed PHP 4.1.0 + PDF 4.0.1 on my development box.
> I can't seem to get the PDF fonts to work properly at all...
> Here are a lot of details about things I understand, and a lot of
> remarks about what I half-understand.
> Note that, as a rule, font technology seems to be such a morass that
> I don't really understand it as a whole, even after reading all the
> HowTos and explanations.  There are just too many players, and too
> many variables involved for my poor little brain...  I grok all the
> little pieces and even some of the big-picture stuff okay, but when
> it comes time to actually use them all, I feel like I need eight
> brains to track it all...
> At any rate, I'm afraid this post goes on quit a bit to explain all
> the things I've tried, and it would be a lot shorter if I was
> smarter, but I'm not. :-v
> To paraphrase Blaise Pascal:
> "I'm sorry this post is so long, I didn't have the brains to make it
> short." :-)
> Okay, enough apologies:
> I'm using
> pdf_set_parameter($pdf, "resourcefile", "/home/www/pdffonts/pdflib.upr");
> and I can muck with that pdflib.upr file and screw it up to cause
> different error messages, so I'm reasonably certain it's getting
> read. :-)
> However, my choices for seem to be using
> "host" fonts, not "checked" (0) -- so they get rendered by the client
> at the time of drawing (more on *that* later), or using "winansi" and
> "checked" (1) or "host" and "checked" (1) in which case I get my
> choice of error messages like:
> Can't find Outline Font data for "Helvetica"
> Can't find Font Metrics for "Helvetica"
> Those are paraphrases, but I could get the precise messages if you
> really need 'em...  And I can't remember which message goes with
> which combination of host/winansi, checked/unchecked, but does it
> really matter?  It can't find the damn Helvetica.afm file, as near as
> I can figure.
> And I've tried some of the other 14 built-in fonts, even ones that
> would be unacceptable in the end, just to see.  No joy in Mudville.
> Oh, and using "builtin" instead of "host" or "winansi" didn't work.
> Not sure I even understand the difference between "builtin" and
> "host" anyway...  I forget exactly which of the not-working states it
> generated, but it was the same as one of the ones described herein,
> so let's just skip that for now, okay?
> I get these differences based on my inputs to http://pdf_findfont and
> by altering the pdflib.upr file as noted in the comments within that.
> I've tried so *many* things, none of which work, so I can't be sure,
> but I don't think the "path entry" in pdflib.upr has any effect
> whatsoever...
> Actually, I think I can break it badly enough to get a different
> error message about an invalid pdflib.pdr file (something about not
> finding the FontAFM section, which comes right after the "path
> entry"), but any parse-able pathname at all seems to be just as good,
> or should I say just as bad, as the actual path to my fonts
> directory.  Currently, it's set at:
> //home/www/pdffonts
> which is, indeed a valid directory with all my fonts and the
> pdflib.upr file in it, which, as noted above, seems to be getting
> read in.
> NOTE:  The docs in pdflib.upr say that the "extra" leading "/" for
> "path entry" is required by PDF, and that there should be no trailing
> "/"   Honest.  If you're on a Mac, you'd be using ":" instead of "/"
> for all but the first "/".
> So, of course, I already tried it without either or both extra front
> and trailing "/" and it doesn't work.  Doesn't make it any worse, but
> it didn't help either.  :-)  Point is, I'm pretty sure that that
> entry is correct syntactically.
> I've also tried everything up to, and including, chmod 777 on the
> font files and their enclosing directory.  Naturally, after that
> failed, I set them back to something sensible like 664 and owned by
> www:www, the PHP User in httpd.conf who should be the user attempting
> to read these files, right?
> Or does PDFlib actually do chroot or whatever that's called?...  This
> is behind a firewall, not a real web-server, so I could live with
> making these files even root executable and world writable it if
> would just make the darn thing work.  No, it didn't help to make them
> root-owned and chmod 777.  Yes, I was desperate enough to try.  Yes,
> I put them back to something sensible.
> I've even tried swapping in the font files from a PHP-4.2.0-dev + PDF
> 3.x server where it works just fine
> ( for my font files, since there
> are minor differences -- CR/LF line endings, extra encodings, sample
> Outline/Metric entries in pdflib.upr (but no actual corresponding
> font files to got with them).  The code for that working PDF uses
> "host" and "checked" (1), which I should probably change to "winansi"
> and "checked" to avoid compatibility problems, but I'm not touching
> nothing, for now, on the one that actually *WORKS*!
> Actually, I even have this all working on *ANOTHER* (albeit very
> similar) box at -- Perhaps I should
> say Hostbaby (a really *great* PHP host) has it
> working, since they set up the PDF stuff for me.
> Anyway, trying to "fix" the Helvetica.afm (and all the other) files
> so they match the line-ending of a working model didn't help.
> Any wild guess yet as to what went wrong?...
> Neither server seems to have any Helvetica Metric nor Outline data
> files, or, at least, no files with "Helvetica" and endings like .pfa
> or, well, anything *other* than .afm...  Hmmmm. I guess an .afm file
> *IS* FontMetrics, but it's different from PFM which is also a Font
> Metrics file.  Sigh.  I guess there's lotsa different kinds of Font
> Metrics files?  Whatever.  Mine's broken, and the error message is
> about no "Font Metrics" (or "Font Outline", take your pick) and yet
> the same damn Helvetica.afm file works just fine on the other box.
> Unfortunately, the "host" and not "checked" rendering (IE, relying on
> the client to draw the characters) works, for some sense of the word
> "work"...
> If you don't mind having output with *EVERY* instance of 'G' and 'H'
> replaced by a perfectly-spaced *BLANK* space!!!  Makes for
> interesting reading, I guess, but it probably won't fly too well...
> Nice rendering, guys, but I kinda wanted all my letters to be
> visible, okay?  The 'G' and 'H' characters are getting sucked in from
> a dozen different web-sites, so I think I can safely rule out that
> they aren't non-ASCII or anything like that...
> I have no idea why my Mac and/or PDF don't like those 'G' and 'H'
> letters.  Maybe they didn't watch Sesame Street on the days those
> letters were featured.  :-)  Seriously, though, is it too much to ask
> that the font-rendering engine produce something remotely *LIKE* a
> 'G' or 'H'?  I'm not asking it for something perfectly attractive
> that a font-designer can cheese over.  Just a damn letter than I can
> read, okay?
> I'd be perfectly content if the Mac version, or the Windows version
> used their ugly/pretty/whatever version of the Helvetica font and
> maybe crowded my design a little to let the letters all fit, or even
> chopped off a little bit of a last character here or there, as I
> understand that that's the price for using "host" and not "checked".
> But simply not drawing every 'G' and every 'H' (and leaving "room"
> for them) is just not making any sense to me at all...
> I'm using the "host" and not "checked" for now on the assumption that
> y'all can help me, and I can focus on getting the application to do
> what I want before this silly font thing becomes a crisis...
> I can't go to PHP 4.1.1 (yet) and play with Zend Studio Server 2.0,
> so would just as soon not try the "upgrade PHP" route unless somebody
> is sure that's the problem.
> I will try to down-grade to PDF 3.x next, I guess, but I'm focusing
> on the application for now, so information that down-grade to PDF 3.x
> would fix or not fix my problems (or, at least, *this* problem) would
> be nifty -- Even if it's "I use PDF 4.0.1 and it works fine for me"
> would be helpful.
> I am not wedded to "Helvetica" per se -- If somebody could point me
> to a URL of a similar-looking *FREE* font where I can download the
> .afm and .pfa and .ps and .enc and .cpg and whatever *other* TLA's
> [sheesh!] these font geeks can come up with, I'm down with that too.
> I'll settle for "decent-looking and reliable" over "gorgeous and
> unreliable" font technology any day of the week.  Something really
> ugly like Times or mono-spaced like Courier...  Not so much.
> All I know is, every time I try and figure out this font crapola, I
> get a major headache.  I'm a low-brow kinda guy, and while I want a
> decent-looking font, I'm not going to whine over the curve of the
> serif on the letter Q at 73-point-size or anything.  I'd sure
> appreciate it if somebody "out there" in "font land" could take pity
> on us mere mortals and provide a simple alternative to this morass of
> design-quibbling (as I see it).  I'm not looking for gorgeous, I just
> want a decent-looking font where all the letters actually show up. :-)
> --
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