Hi Mike!

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Ford, Mike               [LSS] wrote:

> Well, ^M is a representation of the carriage-return character -- the fact that it's 
>not being displayed by your editor suggests that, in fact, it *is* a carriage-return 
>which is being suppressed on the grounds that it's an "invisible" position-control 
> Look for an option in your editor to display "invisible" characters, or a handy 
>utility that will strip out unwanted characters.  (Sorry, I'm not a UNIX guru so 
>can't suggest anything more concrete!)

        Yep, I know that. I edited the "configure" file in "vi" (the best
editor in UNIX :-) ), but the character didn't appear! So I used the
"dos2unix" program (that erase the ^M character from the files) but it
didn't find nothing. Any other idea?

        I'm very surprised that the only person with that problem is me...
And I don't think I'm soing something very particular.

                        Thanks again...

                                        Andres Plaza R.
                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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