I'm working on content management system entirely written in Object 
oriented PHP using templates

i used output buffering to be able to send header calls in the middle of my 

i have noticed that performance has become "random" meaning that the same 
script could take from 1 up to 30 seconds in the same conditions, passing 
exactly the same params.

while trying to find a solution, i removed the ob_end_flush() call while 
keeping the ob_start() call at the beginning of the script
and strangely speed of execution came back to normal.

output buffering is still on

i am not flushing it out

the pages are generated just fine without freeing the buffer ??!!!!

i would like to know if anyone has had similar experiences with output 
this behavior occurred on a windows and a linux box both with php 4.1.1 and 
pretty much the same php.ini settings



hassan el forkani
http://WarmAfrica.com EveryOne's Africa

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