Forgive me if this is a very basic question, i can't find the info in the
manual/function list.

I want to encrypt a password w/ a salt string that is randomly generated (10
chars), and then prepend the salt string onto the beginning of the encrypted
string, save the string in a database, and move on.

Later, i want to be able to retrive the encrypted string w/ the salt in it,
grab the salt and use it to decrypt the password. - Is this possible and how
would it be done?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

//Nick Richardson
--   We must come to see that the end we seek, is a society --
-- at peace with itself.  A society that can live with its  --
-- concience.  That will be a day not of the white man, not --
-- of the black man... That will be the day of man, as man! --
--                          -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.     --
--                                 -March 25th, 1965        --

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