Frank Miller wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.   I have another question. If I have to recompile 
> Apache can I take this opportunity to upgrade it as well. I'm using 
> 1.3.14 but would like to upgrade to a more recent version.  Also, I 
> remember when I compiled PHP the first time I had to have the Apache 
> source and when I compiled  PHP one of the configure parameters was 
> --with-apache=../apache1.3.14  . Since I didn't do that for this recent 
> compile of PHP will I have to compile PHP over again?
> TIA - Frank

If you didn't put the '--with-apache' in, PHP compiled itself as a CGI 
binary executable.  Yes, you'll need to recompile PHP over again.

You may want to take this opportunity to investigate Apache's DSO system 
(dynamic shared object).  You can recreate a new PHP 'module' for Apache 
without having to recompile Apache again in the future.  It's apparently 
a small performance hit, but I've not been able to notice any sizable 
decrease in performance on production servers we work with using the DSO 

Hope that helps.

Michael Kimsal
Taking the ? out of <?php

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