In this case I would assign false to $error before your if's - just to make
sure it's set to something definite - that is unless you have already set it
furthur up in your code...


-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Price [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 11:59 AM
To: Jeff Sheltren
Subject: Re: [PHP] elseif without else

On Thursday, February 28, 2002, at 07:42  PM, Jeff Sheltren wrote:

> If you are setting a variable inside of the if statements, and then 
> checking that variable later, then I would say you should either use an 
> else statement to give that variable a default value, or you should set 
> the variable to a default value before the if statements.  Your code is 
> "legitimate", ie. there is no reason you *have* to have an else 
> statement.

I would have thought that if I set this variable at all, then I wouldn't 
be able to use the second part of the script ( if($variable)... ).  I 
have posted a snippet of the code at the bottom, if you don't mind 
checking it out.  It works fine -- but it seems strange not to have an 
'else'.  The  bare bones of it is like so:

if (bad user input) {
    $error = true;
    $error_message = $a;
} elseif (different bad user input) {
    $error = true;
    $error_message = $b;
} elseif (still different bad user input) {
    $error = true;
    $error_message = $c;

if ($error) {
    do some things
    and then
    echo $error_message;
} else {
    present confirmation dialog


Erik Price
Web Developer Temp
Media Lab, H.H. Brown

for ($i = 1; $i <= $_POST['numfiles']; $i++) {

        // check text box for filename - no danger characters!
        if (preg_match("/[<>\"'\\/:]/", $_POST["filename{$i}"])) {
                $input_error_confirm = true;
                $error_message = $filename_is_invalid;
                $problem_file_number = $i;
                $problem_file_name =
        // check text boxes for filesize, width, and height, must be of 
form 0000.00
        } elseif (      !preg_match("/^\d{1,4}\.?\d{0,2}$/", 
$_POST["filesize${i}"]) ||
$_POST["width${i}"]) ||
$_POST["height${i}"]) ||
$_POST["resolution{$i}"]) ) {
                $input_error_confirm = true;
                $error_message = $filenum_is_invalid;
                $problem_file_number = $i;
                $problem_file_name =
        // check text boxes to make sure that the default values (0.00) are 
not left unchanged
        } elseif (      (float) $_POST["filesize{$i}"] < 0.01 ||
                                (float) $_POST["width{$i}"] < 0.01 ||
                                (float) $_POST["height{$i}"] < 0.01 ||
                                (int) $_POST["resolution{$i}"] < 1 ) {
                $input_error_confirm = true;
                $error_message = $filenum_is_zero;
                $problem_file_number = $i;
                $problem_file_name =
        } elseif ($_POST["format{$i}"] == 0) {
                $input_error_confirm = true;
                $error_message = $no_format_specified;
                $problem_file_number = $i;
                $problem_file_name =

        // if errors in text inputs, error messages must be returned from 
this function
if ($input_error_confirm) {
        $data_to_return = "     <p class=\"warning\">Unfortunately, there 
was an error in your data, in file number <b 
class=\"label\">${problem_file_number} (" . 
stripslashes(${problem_file_name}) . ").</b></p>
        $data_to_return .= addrecord_form($_POST['numfiles']);
// otherwise text inputs are fine, display them to the user for 
} else {

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