Olev Rumm wrote:
> Mime problem.
> I have my web form here www.toolmecindustries.com/submform.php
> Now my email recieves all the contens thruogh [EMAIL PROTECTED] (fields
> what customer filles out)
> but attachment (picture fail) is shown like encrypted
> here:
> rewfg/wr;tlkmbwsl/kw;relktnh;wlkfdvbs.kdfnghb/asdfmgbn/.slfg
> rewfg/wr;tlkmbwsl/kw;relktnh;wlkfdvbs.kdfnghb/asdfmgbn/.slfg
> all like that.
> Now I did an account with hotmail, yahoo and some other mail services
> and sended this stuff through them - it works I recieve everything !!
> Asked my ISP - they told  that it is 100% my script's problem.
> How is it possible?
> Olev

My guess would be that the email header isn't specifying a multi input 
type email (with attachments) properly.  Or that your email client 
doesn't support the image type.  Hotmail and yahoo probably take some 
liberties and try things out to get the email to work properly, where 
"pine" or a basic email client like that won't.


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