1)Create the db in mysql:  mysqladmin -u (your user name) -p (if you have 
a password) create (new database name)

2)mysql -D (the name you used above) < (the text file)

Works on Unix and 2000.  Is that what you mean?


On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, Wilbert Enserink wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a mySQL back up q: I have a textfile which is filled with statements
> as:
> ----------
> DROP TABLE Clients\g
>      ID INT,
>      date BLOB,
>      name BLOB,
>      age BLOB,
> )\g
> INSERT INTO Clients VALUES ('all record data')\g
> INSERT INTO Clients VALUES ('next record data')\g
> ..............and so on
> -----------
> My Q: How an I restore the tables as mentioned in my text file? Is it
> possible to 'run' this file so to speak?
> thx in advance!!
> Wilbert
> ------------------------- 
> Pas de Deux 
> Van Mierisstraat 25 
> 2526 NM Den Haag 
> tel 070 4450855 
> fax 070 4450852 
> http://www.pdd.nl 
> -------------------------


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