-----Original Message-----
From: Bas Jobsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 8:55 AM
To: Craig Westerman; php-general-list
Subject: Re: [PHP] Real world regex

> For another I need to get the 3rd opening table row <tr> tag after the 7th
> opening <table> tag.

not tested:
"(<table[^>]+>.*){6}(<table[^>]+>)([ ]*)(<tr[^>]*>)(.*){2}(<tr[^>]*>)(.*)"



Thanks for the reply. I can easily grab this test page
http://www.gold-forum.com/table.html using this script. (shown below)

When I try replacing $GrabStart = "<body>"; with your $GrabStart =
"(<table[^>]+>.*){6}(<table[^>]+>)([ ]*)(<tr[^>]*>)(.*){2}(<tr[^>]*>)(.*)";
I get errors.

If you have time, can you show me what I need for:

$GrabStart = "???"; //3rd opening table row <tr> tag after the 7th opening
<table> tag
$GrabEnd = "???"; //3rd closing table row <tr> tag after the 7th closing
<table> tag


Craig ><>

------------code start-------------
        <title>Grab 2 Example</title>



$GrabURL = "http://www.gold-forum.com/table.html";;
$GrabStart = "<body>"; //need 3rd opening table row <tr> tag after the 7th
opening <table> tag
$GrabEnd = "</body>"; //need 3rd closing table row <tr> tag after the 7th
closing <table> tag

$file = fopen("$GrabURL", "r");
$rf = fread($file, 200000);
$grab = eregi("$GrabStart(.*)$GrabEnd", $rf, $printing);
echo $printing[1];


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