
I;m using PHP to create my database.
This is the script I'm using:


// This is your host name address to MySQL (usually 'localhost')
$db_location = "";

// This is the username to the MySQL server.
$db_uid = "gdesigns";

// This is the password to the MySQL server.
$db_pw = "password";

// Nothing else needs to be edited below this.           //

// Database name (specified in the web form).
$database_name = "$db_name";

// Try to make a MySQL connection.
$connection = @mysql_connect("$host_to_mysql", "$un_to_mysql",
or die("Couldn't connect to MySQL.");

// Add the new database to the MySQL server.
$result = @mysql_create_db($db_name, $connection)
or die("Couldn't create the database.");

// If the database was created, print a statement that says so.
if ($result) {
echo "Database created successfully!";




-Sean Kennedy

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