Hi Nick!


"Nick Richardson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i meddelandet
> Been working on this one for quite awhile, and it's probably a fairly easy
> solution, but i can't find it... so thought i would ask.
> I'm opening a file, and going through it line by line.  I need for find
> places where the line contains %value% and replace it with $value.
> So if the line says <body bgcolor=%bgcolor% text=%textcolor%
> link=%linkcolor%>, i need to replace the text where the %% stuff is and
> it to $bgcolor,$textcolor,or $linkcolor respectively. -
> I'm sure this can be done, but i'm just no good w/ the pattern matching
> stuff... so if anyone has any ideas on this, please let me know!!!
> Thanks
> //Nick Richardson
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> --   We must come to see that the end we seek, is a society --
> -- at peace with itself.  A society that can live with its  --
> -- concience.  That will be a day not of the white man, not --
> -- of the black man... That will be the day of man, as man! --
> --                          -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.     --
> --                                 -March 25th, 1965        --
> --------------------------------------------------------------

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