Thankss Jason!
I m downloading it

"Jason Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Monday 11 March 2002 01:48, Ceyhun Güler wrote:
> > I have a small picture and when I click on this image
> > image opens resimgoster.asp with "resimgoster.asp?res=main tumbled
> > picture.jpg"
> > and this asp code includes
> >
> > <%@language="vbscript"%>
> > <%location=request.querystring("res")
> > location=replace(location, " ", "/")
> > %>
> >
> > <body>
> > <img src="<%=location%>">
> > </body>
> >
> > this code gets "res" variable and replace " " fields with "/"
> > by this way I use only one file to enlarge of these picture...
> > but I need it in php now
> >
> > can any one translate my asp code to php code?
> There's a program called asp2php which does just that, converting asp code
> into php:
> --
> Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
> /*
> You are going to have a new love affair.
> */

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