If the webserver is Apache you can do this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerName myserver.mydomain.org
 DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/myserver
 Action php-parse /path-to/script.php

 Action php-parse /path-to/script.php
 SetHandler php-parse

 <Location "/path-to/script.php">
   SetHandler "application/x-httpd-php"

*Every* request (whether the file exists or not) is handled by
/path-to/script.php.  Note that this is *every* request so either modify
the above to only handle PHP files or do some work in /path-to/script.php
to quickly readfile() non PHP files (ie, all the images on your site).


On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Dennis Gearon wrote:

> I'm trying to get all requests from a DOMAIN to go through one file,
> something like:
> http://www.mydomain.com/all_accesses.php
> They can come IN as http requests of:
> http://www.mydomain.com/any_directory/any_filename?any_vars with any
> POST or COOKIE vars.
> Anyone have any ideas? I'm trying to make this as DROP in as possible on
> a shared ISP, i.e. asking for as little help/sys mods as possible from
> the ISP. Zope can be run this way, but it's in Python, and I don't want
> to learn that now.
> The reason why .......... is that:
> this allows me to keep the directory structure in the data base, keep
> very granular role based permissions on the directory structure, down to
> the file, and have a web based interface to upload/download content,
> with a powerful auth/perm system. The only files to get into the file
> system are binary ones, images, flash, that sort of stuff. I haven't
> quite figured out the permissions system for accessing those, yet.
> --
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> http://www.cnet.com/
> http://sysopt.earthweb.com/userreviews/products/
> --
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