You could modify near line 575 of tetrisIE.html:

function Show_Score() {
  _block.score.document.forms[0].High_Score.value = high_score;
  _block.score.document.forms[0].Game_Score.value = game_score;

to something similar to:

function Show_Score() {
  _block.score.document.forms[0].High_Score.value = high_score;
  _block.score.document.forms[0].Game_Score.value = game_score;

Then create a file script.php that inputs the value of $score into a
database.  This would be easy to cheat though, is that a problem?  If you
really need help with this feel free to contact me off list.

-Rob Z.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Downey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 10:16 PM
Subject: [PHP] DHTML Trouble please help

Hi all,

I am no DHTML expert and don't even know the language also didn't know where
to post this. But after today I am going to learn.

I downloaded a tetris game from Dynamic Drive:

Have a look. I would add it here but it's too long.

I want to add the high score to a users data in the database.

Would one of you DHTML and PHP Gurues (SP) please point out what section of
the code I would use to get the high score.

I would like to (I can do this part if someone would show what I use from
the DHTML) echo or print the score to the bottom of the browser window and
then have that added to the db.


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