Opps, last messages had the definition of $originalMessage in the wrong
place.  Try this:
If ($button != "")
$t = mysql_query("SELECT * from AddExisting");
            $number_of_customers = mysql_num_rows($t);

                        $originalMessage = $message;

                        for($i=0; $i<$number_of_customers;$i++)
                        $r = mysql_fetch_array($t);
                        $email = $r["EMAIL_ADDRESS"];
                        $cusname = $r["Name"];

                        $to = $email;
                        $subject = "hello";
                        $message = "Dear $cusname,".$originalMessage;
                        $fromaddress = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";

                        mail($to, $subject, $message, $fromaddress);
                        }//end of for
}//end of if

* Cal Evans
* Techno-Mage
* http://www.calevans.com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kris Vose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 2:07 PM
Subject: [PHP] for loop problem

I have a problem with a piece of code that uses the mail function in a for
loop.  It sends out mail to all the users in the database but it has a
problem with attaching their specific name into the message.  What happens
is the first user in the database will get their name in the e-mail (Dear
John,).  Then the second user in the database will get the last users name
and their name in the e-mail (Dear John, Dear Mike) ...and so on and so

How do I fix this problem?  Your help is appreciated.

Here is the code:

If ($button != "")
$t = mysql_query("SELECT * from AddExisting");
            $number_of_customers = mysql_num_rows($t);

                        for($i=0; $i<$number_of_customers;$i++)
                        $r = mysql_fetch_array($t);
                        $email = $r["EMAIL_ADDRESS"];
                        $cusname = $r["Name"];

                        $to = $email;
                        $subject = "hello";
                        $message = "Dear $cusname,".$message;
                        $fromaddress = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";

                        mail($to, $subject, $message, $fromaddress);
                        }//end of for
}//end of if

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