
On my site now, there's a lengthy register process where the user has to
fill in 5 forms, one after the another. I get the PHP script to echo the
values from the previous into the next form by using
<?php echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"name\" value=\"" . $name . "\">";
for example. Then I keep carrying the information over to each extra form
until the user reaches the last page and I insert all the info into a table
called "tempmembers" with an extra timestamp field which I use to verify
email addresses. The user gets an email saying click here to verify your
membership with the username and timestamp in the URL. The users clicks it,
and I run a SQL command that copies the row from "tempmembers" into the
"members" table.

This process worked well for a while until I discovered if users enter a
single or double quote into any of the fields, it fecks everything up. So I
added an addslashes command but it's all getting a bit hairy so I was
looking for some advice on MySQL temporary tables for either using after
every form or at the end of all the forms.

Or does anyone have any other method I could use??? Thanks for any help
you might have.

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