Note that vars[1] is created with ' ' so that the $-names are not
interpreted.  I assume that when the text is read from the file, it comes
with the $s and the ending semi-colon (;).

$vars[1] =
print $vars[1]."\n\n";

$xx = stripslashes($vars[1]);
print $xx."\n\n";

$tmpeval=$xx; // $vars[1] is where the data is in my answer-array
eval ($tmpeval);
print $scar;

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 10:34 AM
Subject: [PHP] Question on eval()

Hi Folks,
I save an ascii-sentence, representing my vars and their values in the db
after I request them, I try to eval them.
here is what I get back from the db
(values are just typed in ;-) )
then I try to eval them with

$tmpeval=$vars[1]; // $vars[1] is where the data is in my answer-array
eval ("\$tmpeval = \"$tmpeval\";");

after this ther should each var have it´s values like
$scar should be 3
$anrede should be Herr

I also tried
but that doesn´t work either.
Can anybody see my mistake, or is there any length-limit in eval ??

TIA Oliver 

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