On Wednesday, April 3, 2002, at 03:58  PM, Miguel Cruz wrote:

> On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, Rick Emery wrote:
>> Convert to date/time variable and perform arithmetic.
>> Otherwise, if these dates are from mysql, let mysql do it
> Even if you don't happen to be getting the date out of MySQL, it can
> occasionally be easier to let MySQL do your date math since it has some
> nice functions for it (DATE_ADD, DATE_SUB, etc.). These things are hard 
> to
> do quickly in PHP since you have to account for leap years.

I'd actually like to use MySQL's builtin date formats, but I like the 
timestamp that PHP uses (and I like what I can do with a timestamp in 
the date() function) so I have been using VARCHAR(20) to hold the date 
as a string.  MySQL's TIMESTAMP is not the same thing as PHP's.



Erik Price
Web Developer Temp
Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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