Hi Sebastian!

> Lately I have noticed many scripts that all consist of one 
> file even though
> they create the appearance of many pages. For example, you would open
> setup.php and a form would appear. Then after you complete 
> the form a new
> page appears with the results of your form, however the URL is still
> setup.php. So basically you can make complicated forms span 
> only one file
> instead of having separate file to gather, display and save 
> the data, how is
> this done?

You can handle the HTML-output from within any functions. What I am doing
normally is the following.

I got one page, let's say main.php

When calling this page I pass it a variable that tells main.php
which function to execute ("printForm", "submitForm", "changeDB" etc.)

This is done by a simple switch-cascade.

Now I'm organizing my functions properly in different include-files,
let's say "displayFuncs.php", "dbFuncs.php" etc..

And IMHO anything is much more clean and relaxed like this ;)
On the other hand, if you connect to a db etc. you only have to
write the code for the db_connect only one time (I include this, too).

Was this what you wanted to know?



It's not a bug, it's a feature.
christoph starkmann
ICQ: 100601600

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