Thanks Eric, very good info!!

For now, I jsut process the string after the "?".
Things working fine.

Many thanks!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Erik Price" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Wo Chang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] how to process URL parameers

> On Friday, April 5, 2002, at 10:36  AM, Wo Chang wrote:
> > So, if I want to include multiple parameters,
> > I'll use something like: ?a=1?b=2 right?
> No, actually in the querystring the ? only serves to separate the URL 
> from the querystring.  So you can only use it once, immediately after 
> the URL.  To add additional values, you use the & sign.
> etc.
> > Another question: if I want to hide all these
> > parameters at the url, how I can do that without
> > using the form.
> If you want to do that, it's a little more complex -- you can't use the 
> querystring at all.  You need to pass your values via the POST method in 
> HTTP.  The easiest way to do this is to make an HTML form and specify 
> the method of the <form> tag as POST (like this: <form method="post" 
> action="targetpage.php">).
> There is another way, it's a bit more involved.  You open a socket with 
> the server and directly send the data as POST data.  This allows you to 
> avoid having to bother with a form.  Rasmus Lerdorf wrote a function to 
> do this (takes most of the work out of it) but it helps to understand 
> how sockets work if you're going to take this route.  Let me know if you 
> want this function, I have a copy of it.
> I CC'd this back to the list, because there are probably others who can 
> benefit from this conversation -- in general, try to keep discussion on 
> the list unless there is some reason for privacy.
> Feel free to ask if you have more questions!
> Erik
> ----
> Erik Price
> Web Developer Temp
> Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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