1. Instead of ????? you could use server side includes (this would work on
SERVER2 side)
below would work on client side:
2. Some Javascript file, which could be downloaded from SERVER1, like
3. Use <IFRAME>
Maybe there are some other possibilities...
Your problem is just the same as the case with counters, banners and so

Sorry if I misunderstood You.

Matja+ Prtenjak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> HI,
> Is this possible?
> SERVER1 with PHP.... some file with name xTest.php
> xTest.php:
> <? echo("Hi from SERVER1"); ?>
> SERVER2 without PHP.... some file with name file1.html
> file1.html:
> <html>
>   <body>
> Server1 is saying : ?????
>   </body>
> </html>
> How can I make HTML file (on SERVER2) say 'Server1 is saying : Hi from
> Matjaž Prtenjak

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