On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, [iso-8859-1] Jérome Moisy wrote:

> Hy,
> I try to do a SELECT but when I test my code I Have a parse error.
> If someone can explain to me why.
> Code:
> $db = mysql_connect(newsmanga_db);
> $req = "SELECT * FROM dvds WHERE nomdvd='".$nom."".$i"' ";  /// PARSE ERROR IN THIS 
> $res=mysql_query($req, $db);
> while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_object ($res)) {
>     print "<font size='2' color='#FFFFFF'><p align='center'>";
>     print "$ligne->resume</p></font></td></tr>";
> }
> mysql_free_result ($res);

First glance, put quotes around newsmanga_db.

$db = mysql_connect("newsmanga_db");

However, it doesn't look like you would establish a connection to the
database even if you fixed the syntax error.  Have a look at the PHP
manual in order to see the correct usage of this function.  The
username/password parameters are optional, but I have a feeling that
newsmanga_db is the name of your database, not the database server
(usually localhost).  You also need to select the database that you intend
to query.


Personally, I'd use this code (going on what you have supplied and what I
believe to be true):


mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password");

$req = "SELECT * FROM dvds WHERE nomdvd = '" . $nom . $i . "'";
$res = mysql_query($req);

while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_object($res))
  print "<tr><td>";
  print "<font size=\"2\" color=\"#FFFFFF\"><p align=\"center\">";
  print $ligne->resume . "</p></font></td></tr>";



Nick Winfield.

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