I have got this almost all the way where I need it.. Partly from the php.net
function list and partly from searching the archives here.. Now I'm at a
point where I don't quite know how to finish it.. Any help would be greatly

I use functions to gather the subdirectory names in the cwd using getCwd()
and put them into an array. They are in the form of
/home/httpd/html/phptemp/dirname and I am able to use the following to print
them to the page:

for( $x = 0; $x < sizeof( $resultArray ); $x++ ) {
    echo( "<a href=\"$resultArray[$x]\">$resultArray[$x]</a><br>\n" );

What I would like to figure out is how to split or explode the values in the
array with the "/" char just before the echo so I end up with separate vars
for home, httpd, html, phptemp, dirname. So I could then just print out the
value of dirname as the link (see above).

I've been trying to learn this PHP stuff for a couple weeks now and it's
coming along nicely.. And I appreciate all the help I've found in the posts
to the group here.. Thanks in advance for any help..


Bob Weaver, Manager
Custom PC & Web Design, LC

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